I put all my vintage Schwinn parts together last night, and put the handlebars and tires on tonight. Everything feels good, I had to really douse the chain with PB Blaster- it was a little tight after spending who knows how long sitting in a tree-row and a number of years in my basement(s). I had greased the crank and the bearings in the past, but never messed with the chain. After the chain was loosened up, the bike assembled, a quick pic, and it was off for it's maiden voyage. It rides really nice- solid. I can't wait to tear this thing down again, strip it, and get it painted. I'm thinking... orange? I was thinking of painting it gloss black, but I think some color would do me good. In the mean time, I think I'll ride it around like this for a while. Nothin' like riding a good bike that looks like wreck!
Feels good to be wrenchin' again, but damn my arthritis is kickin' in!
That's a hot lookin' bike!! Great job!